Sheffield Wednesday have announced the signing of 11 new youngsters to the club on two-year scholarship deals, some of which have experience at some of the

country’s biggest clubs.








As ever, on the eve of a new season in the EFL, the Not The Top 20 Podcast – a podcast all about the Football League – have been issuing their 1-24 predictions for the Championship, League One and League Two.

With that in mind, we thought we’d give the podcast a listen and see how EFL pundits George Elek and Ali Maxwell thought the Owls would get on this upcoming season.

Wednesday supporters will certainly be hoping the duo are wrong, with the duo predicting the Owls to finish 23rd and relegated back to League One.

Offering an explanation for that relegation prediction, Ali Maxwell explained on NTT20: “I’m really angry about Dejphon Chansiri, the owner of Sheffield Wednesday.”

Dejphon Chansiri Sheffield Wednesday





“We’ve got Wednesday in 23rd, and I got bored of myself over the last two years, when things were pretty good for Wednesday in League One, I got bored of just

mentioning, even in good moments, the fact that I never trust the owner of the football club to not ruin things, essentially.

“Because I felt like he had been clearly the reason for their Championship demise, and I felt that their League One success was really in spite of him, or really

thanks to him seemingly taking more of a back seat and letting Darren Moore do what he needed to do with a good squad.

“Darren Moore did what he needed to do and won promotion, 96 points, up through the play-offs. Darren Moore is no the Sheffield Wednesday manager


Maxwell added to his above comments, going on to criticise the squad currently available to Sheffield Wednesday.

“I don’t think that Wednesday’s squad from League One, as good and as strong as it was for what they needed in League One, is built for the Championship. It’s

not built for Championship football,” Maxwell continued.

“I would have pretty big qualms about their ability to consistently score goals. I would have pretty big qualms about their ability to win midfield battles, while

including Barry Bannan in that midfield and, because you take the rough with the smooth with Bannan, the rough being that he really doesn’t have an impact out

of possession at all, the smooth being that he was the best technical player in the one last season, well, that advantage is not quite as strong at Championship



Despite guiding the Owls to promotion, though, Darren Moore is no longer at the Sheffield Wednesday helm heading into the new season.

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