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Roberto Firmino pays tribute to late father in touching social media post




Former Liverpool forward Roberto Firmino has paid tribute to his late father in a touching social media post.

Former Liverpool forward Roberto Firmino has paid tribute to his late father – who passed away in Dubai last week aged 62.

Jose Roberto Cordeiro de Oliveira was in the Middle East visiting Firmino during the international break, with the former Reds forward’s father due to move to Saudi Arabia, before suffering a fatal heart attack in the early hours of November 18.

According to Firmino’s wife, Mr Oliveira had suffered from “tiredness and a cough” before he passed away last Saturday. On Sunday, Firmino paid tribute to his father and admitted their memories together would give him “the strength to carry on”.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith,” wrote the Brazilian on Instagram.

“Pai assim as o senhor, falar em public was never meu forte. It has always been difficult to put my feelings into words, but in truth it has NEVER, NEVER been too difficult.

“In the midst of so much pain, that I have never felt before in my life, I thank God for the privilege of having you rested in my arms, seeing your last breath took a piece of me, but it didn’t take away everything we lived together and not my faith and that it gives me the strength to carry on.

“After your death, the Holy Spirit brought me back to memory all our beautiful moments since my childhood and how proud of you, Varão, you were such a good person, loved by everyone, a fighter…

“One of the greatest joys that the Lord gave me without hesitation was his baptism and for this reason I continue because soon I know that we will be together.

“You are proud to wear my shirts, but you are proud to be a pai that hurts so much for me. Obrigado Pai. Everything or what is, everything or what is part of you. I pray that God enables me to honour his name, love and care until the day He loves me too.

“Jesus said: I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even though he dies, yet shall he live.”

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