Breaking News: US Open champ Coco Gauff reveals shocking reasons why young Americans should get out and vote . ‘Use the power that we have’ says…


Coco Gauff, the 19-year-old tennis sensation who clinched her first Grand Slam title at the 2023 US Open, has been using her platform to advocate for social change and civic engagement. In particular, she has called on young Americans to exercise their right to vote, emphasizing the importance of their participation in the democratic process. Here are detailed notes on her advocacy:







  • Tennis Achievement: Coco Gauff won the 2023 US Open, a significant milestone in her career that catapulted her further into the spotlight. Her victory at such a young age has made her a prominent figure in both sports and popular culture.
  • Platform for Advocacy: With her growing influence, Gauff has chosen to address critical social issues, leveraging her status to inspire and mobilize young people.

Voting Advocacy

  • Public Statements: Gauff has made public calls encouraging young Americans to vote. She emphasizes that voting is a powerful tool for enacting change and that young people have the potential to shape the future of the country through their participation in elections.
  • Social Media Campaigns: She actively uses her social media platforms to spread the message. By sharing posts, videos, and stories, she reaches a broad audience, particularly targeting her peers and younger followers.
  • Interviews and Public Appearances: In interviews and public speaking engagements, Gauff often highlights the importance of civic duty and the impact of voting. She uses these opportunities to stress that every vote counts and that young people’s voices are crucial in the political arena.

Rationale for the Call to Action

  • Youth Impact: Gauff believes that young people are a powerful demographic that can drive significant change. She notes that many of the issues at stake in elections directly affect younger generations, such as climate change, education, and social justice.
  • Historical Context: She often references the historical struggles and sacrifices made for voting rights in the United States, particularly for marginalized communities. By voting, young people honor these struggles and continue the fight for equality and justice.

Broader Context

  • Civic Education: Gauff’s advocacy is part of a broader movement to increase civic education and engagement among young people. She supports initiatives that educate youth about the voting process, the importance of staying informed, and the impact of local and national elections.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Gauff collaborates with organizations that focus on voter registration and mobilization. These partnerships amplify her message and provide practical resources for young people to register and vote.
  • Inspiration from Other Athletes: Gauff follows in the footsteps of other athletes who have used their platforms for activism. Figures like LeBron James, Serena Williams, and Colin Kaepernick have also emphasized the importance of voting and civic engagement, creating a community of athlete-activists.

Impact and Reception

  • Youth Engagement: There has been a noticeable increase in youth voter registration and turnout in recent elections, partly attributed to the influence of high-profile advocates like Gauff. Her relatable and inspiring message resonates with many young Americans.
  • Media Coverage: Gauff’s calls to action have garnered significant media attention, further spreading her message. Major news outlets and sports media cover her statements, amplifying her reach.
  • Feedback from the Public: Many young people have expressed appreciation for Gauff’s advocacy, citing her as an inspiration to get involved in the political process. Her role as a young, successful athlete makes her a relatable and powerful figure for her peers.

Challenges and Future Directions

  • Skepticism and Apathy: Despite her efforts, Gauff and others face challenges in overcoming political apathy and skepticism among some young voters. Misinformation and distrust in the political system can deter participation.
  • Continued Advocacy: Gauff continues to advocate for voting and plans to expand her efforts. This includes potential partnerships with educational institutions and continued use of her platform to reach even more young people.


Coco Gauff’s call for young Americans to vote is a significant aspect of her public persona and activism. By using her platform to encourage civic engagement, she aims to empower her generation to use their collective power to influence the future of their country. Her advocacy highlights the crucial role of young people in shaping democratic societies and the ongoing need for increased youth participation in elections.

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