American billionaire Adam Shaw, who was born in Sheffield, has released a statement to clarify his involvement with Sheffield Wednesday.
Rumours began circulating in the Owls fanbase recently that there was the potential of a takeover at the club, with an
American businessman potentially considering to test Dejphon Chansiri’s resolve, however Shaw has now moved to confirm
that his interest is merely a fan looking to ‘ensure SWFC remains steadfast in supporting Dejphon Chansiri’s vision’.
In an official statement issued on behalf of Adam Shaw and Partners, published by Rob Staton, he said:
“Following some recent modest speculation on Sheffield Wednesday social media and fans’ chat rooms, I can confirm that
we have been in direct contact with Sheffield Wednesday Football Club (SWFC) and representatives of the club’s owner and
chairman, Dejphon Chansiri.
“My only motive is to ensure SWFC remains steadfast in supporting Dejphon Chansiri’s vision to be as competitive as
possible in the Championship, whilst starting to build a new chapter in the club’s history, too.
His vision puts the next generation first, whilst also reviewing and integrating an international rebrand of this most
magnificent club, rich in history and with one of the greatest fan bases in the modern game.
“Dejphon Chansiri is rightly clear in his view that the club is not for sale. Mr Chansiri has my full support on this. Any attack
on him is an attack on myself and my partners.
There has never been another Sheffield Wednesday owner and chairman who has committed so much of their own money to
the club, and in so doing has brought the team to within a whisker of being part of the most elite football league in the world,
the English Premier League.
Mr Chansiri has reinvigorated pride, hope and aspiration in SWFC, more so than any other owner and chairman since the
demise of the club, which seemingly began more than 20 years ago.
“Football is not my only focus, though. As a dedicated and passionate mental health advocate, particularly for the next
generation, I know all too well how hanging on to the past and facing bureaucratic advocacy can lead to stagnation. The time
has come for action and impact.
“My US partners and I are all in. We 100% support the owner and chairman, and wish to assist him in achieving his vision,
one that is long overdue.
My partners and I have had very pleasant and encouraging talks behind the scenes with SWFC, a synergy of minds and
values that we hope will ignite a trajectory that will be for the good of Sheffield and its people.
The community and city will be proud, jobs will be created. On top of that, SWFC fans and the club will be showcased
around the world, particularly in the US, as we work closely with Mr Chansiri to elevate the club and the SWFC brand.
The club has a history and culture of such enormous potential that it is quite literally bursting at the seams, a ready-in-
waiting icon desperate to be let loose and finally come out of hibernation to send a tidal wave across the UK and the world.
“Without mental health prosperity, we have nothing – society has nothing. My partners and I will not give our support or put
our names on just anything.
We are passionate about mental health prosperity, and providing the next generation with inspiration and the ability to
dream is the key starting point for a more elite city and football club.
These are also the values that Dejphon Chansiri stands for. I am in utter disbelief of the negativity created by social media.
At SWFC we are all family, and we are on the same team.
Let’s battle our challenges in private – let’s not air them publicly and shame one of our own. We all make mistakes, but we
learn, we forgive, and we move on. That’s how greatness is created. Let’s be role models for Sheffield kids.
If we do this, I assure you we will have a far more resilient and aspirational community that gets to watch our homemade
elite athletes rise through the ranks.
“I am indeed a Sheffield boy, born and raised in this great city by a loving and supportive family. However, for many years,
my life and children have been located in Tampa Bay, Florida.
“Whilst most of my philanthropy and enterprises are based in the US, I also have a UK mental health charity. A dear
philanthropic friend of mine and I personally fund all the charity’s overheads and its employees, so all public donations can
go directly to those who need them.
The charity was responsible for forcing a parliamentary debate in 2017 at the Houses of Parliament, which eventually led to
mental health education becoming a compulsory part of the syllabus in all UK schools in the spring of 2021. Other than the
births of my children, this was the proudest moment of my life.
“Now, my eldest daughter is on a gap year in the wonderful city she was born in, Sheffield, far from home in Tampa Bay.
Since spending time here with her, I have witnessed the challenges the Sheffield community is facing. Because of this, I am
redeploying my UK charity, alongside some of my US employees, to be centralized in Sheffield. You can learn more about us
at www.ShawMind.org. I hope we can make a difference.”
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