Breaking News: Berrettini’s mental coach is appalled by hate comments received by the Italian and promise to⤵⤵⤵


Matteo Berrettini’s mental coach, Stefano Massari, recently expressed deep concern over the hateful comments Berrettini has been receiving online. Berrettini, who has faced numerous injuries, has had to work extensively on his mental resilience to continue his career.






Massari highlighted that the derogatory remarks directed at Berrettini are not only unwarranted but also a disservice to someone who has significantly contributed to Italian tennis by reaching the Wimbledon final, a feat no other Italian male player has achieved in recent times.

Massari pointed out that despite these challenges, Berrettini remains incredibly strong mentally. He has developed coping strategies that include a focus on personal growth through reading and films, which Massari believes has been crucial in maintaining Berrettini’s mental health during tough times. The coach condemned the toxic nature of social media, where negative comments often overshadow genuine achievements, and emphasized the difficulty modern athletes face in managing this virtual barrage of criticism.

Berrettini has not been spared from severe, gratuitous criticisms about his personal life and professional decisions, which Massari deems as entirely out of place. These comments, Massari says, are an “insult to the human race,” especially considering Berrettini’s role in paving the way for future Italian tennis players【54†source】【55†source】.

Massari also expressed confidence in Berrettini’s potential to bounce back to top form, provided he stays physically healthy. The repeated injuries and the subsequent recovery processes have been taxing, but Berrettini’s determination and strength remain his defining traits. Despite the negativity, both Berrettini and Massari continue to focus on the positive aspects of his journey and his potential to return to high levels of performance in tennis【55†source】【56†source】【57†source】.

This insight into Berrettini’s mental challenges and resilience underscores the broader issue of mental health in sports, highlighting the immense pressure athletes face both on and off the court. The support of a dedicated mental coach like Massari plays a crucial role in navigating these challenges, allowing athletes like Berrettini to persevere despite adversity.

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